Saturday, October 27, 2012

LORD TYKAI Martian Nuptials Fashion Exhibit at the North Carolina Museum of Art [Parallel to Rodin]

song:When You've Been Blessed-Patti LaBelle

You have no idea how major this is! I showed a TYKAI dress, with fabric designed by me, featuring TYKAIroGLYPHS at the North Carolina Museum of Art-along with a "Clementine" and bouquet. LATE. FAB.GLISTENING.GREGARIOUS.THATdamnMURPHYandHISlaw. I literally have a cut out of the NCMofA in my TYKAI sketchbook (in the front with other clippings:Gloria Guinness, Gianni Agnelli, & Monaco in GQ...etc). Excerpted from Todays's Triangle Woman Magazine[Sept/Oct 2010], it only has artist renderings of the $72mil. expansion featuring an exclusive collection of penis-showcasing Rodin sculptures. This was once a wish that became a reality Thank You! SuperSocial-Chic-Entertaining-Vivid-GreatAura-FunHat-SuperSequins-LoveBuddy.

Hosted by the Fashion Summit of NC-coordinated by Cierra Harris and April Bush, the event was upbeat, free flowing, and emotionally art-tastic. Networking with other creatives is always fun-sharing tips, ideals, and experiences Guests were wonderfully sophisticated and diverse. They Spanned multiple demographics:young/ old; frugal/squanderous; black, white, brown, red, Imagine walking through the doors, being greeted by the most hospitable guardsmen- straight ahead there are paintings, above you-lit "thinking men" perpendicular to the wall, to the left- many alabaster penises, to the right-a thriving fashion crowd, to your side-Iris, the museums posh restaurant which serves contemporary American cuisine.

She was tickled green, gushing to her friends that she performed her nuptials on Mars. "A destination wedding in Bora Bora, seemed redundant."
It is no secret living on Mars [in an environmentally controlled shangri-la atmosphere, or not] will be experienced in our lifetime. With new civilizations- rituals and folklore are transported, then customized:
*for unique cultural identification
*to govern the progression of a new society
*to honor ancestors and knowledge past
*for a synergetic relationship between nature and humans
Quixotic. Sophisticated. Fun. The TYKAI bride chose vivid color on sustainable fabric and ancient TYKAIroGLYPHS to celebrate the spirit of the momentous occasion. On a 15 foot diameter mystic topaz sand circle, illuminated by the Sun, the TYKAIAN commenced her vows. Her peacock plumed headpiece and bouquet were special gifts from LORD TYKAI.

TYKAIroGLYPHS printed by Spoonflower. Each TYKAIroGLYPH is an abstract representation of me, in the design process journey-when creativity was high.
Cotton poplin, toile (hand dip-dyed by me), and tulle. Since I put so much of myself into the fabric design, I really wanted the dress to be "high touch". The fabric was dyed beneath the cosmos late at night. The dress is NC designed, printed, produced, and introduced. It is also virtually sustainable minus the pigments.

God sent me butterflies to "bless" my path in creativity. One black, blue, and orange one anointed the bouquet while I made it. Never have I had a butterfly literally twirl for photos. Two touched her tits The veiling represented a free-spirited explosion of her chakras. #CALIBRATED The true beauty of it is...the process OF design became the inspiration FOR my design. NATURE.NURTURE.CREATION.
Abstract elements include the sand crab found on Cherry Grove Beach {TKI Scarabaeus Acubens},the TYKAI mandala in the center of the heart, blue waves=water, green=land/fertility, red=fire/passion/love, orange=warm/playful, yellow=energy. The depth of black and the hint of white is present because we all have some light and dark to our character.
Who said Adam was lonely? He seemed happy frolicking in the garden nude without Eve. Okay, procreation needed to exist and it was deemed he needed a companion;Thus came Eve. The shame of their frolic didn't come until Eve partook of the fruit. Let's just say, I would enjoy being Adam prior to Eve Waterfalls & Animals.

*Showing parallel to Rodin [memories of grande white sculptures in the gardens of the Musee Rodin in Paris]
*The metaphoric simile of it being a brisk, autumn evening; A supercell hurricane brewing in the South-like when Jimi Hendrix played Woodstock [during my birth month, "Hey Joe", 1969]; Right when I exited the building via great industrial doors and long "runway" corridor, it began to rain. A Car Named Desire BATHING.REDEMPTION.REBIRTH.
*The 2story dancing willow that blew, bloomed, and wilted rythmatically behind the band all night.
*I'm always modest. May I be vain for once? They understood it...were delighted by it...and appreciated it The managers, the bartenders, the fashion prowlers, the financiers, the couples, the bachelors, and guards. Tapas diners came to me saying, " I just watched you from across the room and you radiated so many positive vibrations. I had to come meet you." I shared hugs, wine chat, and laughs with circles of women. I shared shakes, compliments, and pats with distinguished men. Dwellers anxiously awaited to take photos with me. With crystal zebra, Buddy, on my shoulder, wearing a vintage silk sequin jacket with glass bead fringe (purchased at Design Archives in downtown Greensboro-it's last hurrah was during NC A&T State University homecoming), my deceased maternal grandmother Anne's (who I never met) upper tier divine order legacy brooch on my heart (gifted by my Semper Fi Sgt. Maj. grandfather), and 4" black suede wedge's- I embraced myself and shared love
*The wicked humor of it is...I found a way to be creatively nude in a museum When Lisa Brogden-Childrey hired me at Rockport, she said " I like you because through the bubbly exterior, I know you have a dark sense of humor." The Southern, suburban me typically wouldn't admit it [clenching my 20 pearl strand], but, I do- WINK!
Lord Tykai standing with Martian Nuptial design at the North Carolina Museum of Art
The Scene and Inspired TKIroGLYPHS

Sketch Submission for Art of Fashion Exhibit

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

TYKAI Tykaian On Mars

Preparing my wardrobe for SPACE travel at Design Archives in Downtown Greensboro. On the bustling streets of Elm Street in downtown Greensboro, you can take a nostalgic trip just by entering a door. Fashion purveyor Kit and her specialty vintage store is a Triad staple; which features sequins, feathers, ruffles, fur, and crinoline. You can spend a day going through [AND SHOPPING] her vast, curated collection of vintage and vintage-inspired apparel, accessories, and more. Fashion literally falls from the walls in a clean open space with parquet flooring and mid 20th century periodicals. As if that weren't enough, the other side of the boutique, named The Emporium, houses fashion, art, housewares, and oddities from local vendors. 
Stop by! Tell her Lord Tykai sent you ;-)  After you shop, take a coffee and pastry break at The Green Bean.
Fashionable Kisses,

TYKAI Greco-Martian Birthday

Thank you for the Birthday LOVE.
Modest, Fashionable Kisses,


Friday, August 3, 2012

TYKAI Golden Crepe

"Thank you for being a friend"
A little Dorothy, A little Blanche.
They say Anais was a coquette with pseudo-modesty.
[chuckles to self]

TYKAI Universe Adherence

"Would you believe me if I told you there's a rabbit on the Moon?"
For decades, people have said there is a man on the Moon-Thanks NASA. Really, Look. Question what you have been conditioned to believe. It's a rabbit head {with two ears}!!
Now, would you believe me if I told you there is a TYKAIAN on the Moon? Can you embrace the FACT that fashion will be visible from a Hubble? Voluptuous. Sumptuous. Neo-Galilean. Are you ready to be not just a part of fashion...But a part of the change in fashion? Bold statement- Right?!?
Embrace Yourself.
Share Love.

TYKAI Papyrus Stroll


TYKAI Mesopotamia


TYKAI Invulnerable TYKAI

"Enigmatic, possibly. Creative, definitely."
[Listening to Toni Braxton- Secrets]
I am sooooo ready for TYKAI profits to be my primary source of income. This dual life as LORD TYKAI part-time & MANUEL DANIELS part-time is exhausting. A man with a goal...a lover with ambition...equals a calling. My discipline. Out of fairness for my "day job"*see high sarcasm* I don't promote anything TYKAI. People seek me out for fashion advice. With modesty, I reply " This pairs well with...", "Why don't you step out of your comfort zone and try...", "If you wear this, Everytime you will look stunning", "My, aren't we just a vision of beauty." THEN COMES---TENSION. Not from clients, from the team. Several times over. What happened to teamwork? What happened to integrity? What happened to the Golden Rule-Do unto others as you like done unto you? I try to be "low-key", yet I am propelled into the light. Do you punish talent or do you nurture it? Maybe this trajectory is in place so that as my company grows, I will treat TYKAIANS with the UTMOST love and appreciation. A non-discriminatory, creatively euphoric, styling, design, and community outreach firm.
Embrace Yourself.
Share Love.

TYKAI A Lion & A Peacock

I'm a TYKAIAN born under Leo. I pick and choose my battles. Too much wind won't flutter a wing. In the presence of the right challenge, I don't retreat...I get more VIVID. ELEGANTLY! Not in loud words but great deeds. Lucky I'm not a Spartan, huh?

TYKAI Come 2 Me

"Mommy, why does he look like a genie?"
"Well Sweetie, it's his magical personality."
Come to me

TYKAI MotoCoquette

Hey ay ay aya ay ay ay {thx MDNA}

TYKAI Bitch it's Hot

Bitch It's Hot
But, duh! It's Summer. If it were Winter it would be cold. But it's not. So it's hot.
Nomadic Kisses,
Lord Tykai


The beat of style.

TYKAI Birthday Nin

People talk to me...Everywhere. In the North, in the South, in the West, the Midwest, overseas, at the park, at the grocery store, at the cornerstore, at the stoplight, in the skies, on the rails, over cocktails and snails. Everywhere. Whether it's intrigue, fawning, or disgust. It must be my guiding light, my aura, or the spirit of ancestors past shining through. I always say "May TYKAI (NYSE ticker symbol TKI ;-)profits match my celebrity". I genuinely do not seek attention. Even when I'm attempting to be low key- a smile is engaged, then it turns into a "thing". Everywhere. You must know my middle name really is Lovi. LOVE-I.
    Thinking of one of my favorite movies [2 Days in Paris-directed by Julie Delpy], I decided to take a North Carolina railride into Greensboro. During the beautiful Amtrak trip, I read Anais Nin and gazed out the window, with my feet rested upon my mustard vintage Samsonite. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOTHER! Unlike Nin, I recognize and value your maternal, kindred spirit of love from an early age. If anyone saw our house in Riverknoll, they would know you are the reason my eyes always catch a camera. Every corner...every collage. *back to the railride*
     20 minutes from my destination, I overheard an elderly train volunteer say " Enjoy day at a time. God only promises you one day at a time". I was reminded of a facebook post from last year "Lord for my sake, help me to take, one day at a time"; Then, nostalgic memories of my father singing these lyrics in the male chorus. At that moment, it was so poignant that I fervently cried until the train whistled Toot-Tooooot in Greensboro. In the words of great orators--- " If I touch only one, I have done my job."
Fashionable Summertime Kisses,

TYKAI Palette Cleansing

"It's not what you wear, it's really who you are inside."
Everyone knows that fashion cycles revolve every 20-30 years. No shade, I'm approaching 30 [well, 27] and rattails and skorts are making a reappearance. I decided to take a cue from the house of Dior-Spring 2007. Post an era of decadent exuberance, prints, and color; Head designer, John Galliano, cleansed the palette with Christina Aguilera [Back 2 Basics-the divine order of disc 2 is life changing- like Mariah she was robbed of excessive accolades] and dove gray. A Starbucks Refresher, if you will ;-)
The question is...Are you void of color or full? Aside from the midsummer tan, I decided to monochrome it out in french vanilla yogurt and BE THE COLOR. It's all signature Lord Tykai- the blown kisses, the hugs, and jovial chats. The secret to full color lies in the smile from your heart.
Embrace Yourself.
Share Love.
Fashionable Kisses,
Lord Tykai

TYKAI 4GLO-Memorial/Support

Gloria said "You went all the way to the worldwide Louis Vuitton flagship store in Paris and you didn't bring me back a bag?"
With doe-eyed ambition, I replied "When I return, I'll put it on the TYKAI company expense card."
I remember my grandmother's spirit guiding and helping me after she passed. Her regal spirit of meekness coming over me [and in my opinion, giving me the courage to open doors that once I had only dreamed]. I am seeing Antoine take on those enlightened traits of his grandmother. He's recognizing them and I believe it's helping comfort him. The TRUEST LEGACY is knowing that parts of her reside in him. All weekend has been about GLOwing. Gift giving, smiles, hugs, love, flowers, and shine ;-)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Beautiful Ashley & Mod Stewart

What started as a curvy Independence Day styling turned into a Summer style guide for full-figured, fabulous women. My inspiration was Bewitched Samantha Stephens and her party-vixen cousin, Serena [also played by Elizabeth Montgomery]. The modern role of the perfect suburban wife and mother, balanced with her alter ego, the party girl inside. She has a career, she rears children, and must fashionably attend events to maintain relationships.

A special thank you to The New Ashley Stewart, Pyramids Village, for providing the retail venue and wardrobe, hand-selected by Lord Tykai. Unfortunately, the store does not have high heels, but I like sandals with the looks. How dare you wear something so elegant and make it effortlessly casual. The idea is VERY Euro-chic!

This shows you don't have to be a size 2 to have fashionable fun. Get out there and live! Happy Summer;-)
Embrace Yourself. Share Love.
Fashionable Kisses, LRD | TKI

Friday, June 29, 2012

TYKAI Botanica Dietrich

"40's Santos"
A screen siren [off set} mixed with a bit of "come on baby, let the good times roll".

TYKAI Liquid Lake-Languid Vine

Little touches of life carried through style. Reflection amongst organics. SHINE ON while in the valley of TKI.
Valleys of TYKAI

TYKAI Moon Amphibious

Water. Land. Outer Space.
I'm meeting so many Red Hatters and Eastern Stars lately. With a civil organization portfolio that reads like a resume, I spent an evening with florist B. Hollywood Moon.

TYKAI Habib Baba

A Clementine Dah-ling

TYKAI Clementine Festival

"Much more like...Tailored"
TYKAI Clementines- Veiling Plumes {{ go to 6:28}}

TYKAI Urban Safari, pushing the envelope on modern menswear in a TYKAI Clementine. How Fun & Spirited ;-)

TYKAI Royal Peacock Garden

WHEN I break ground for the Tykai headquarters ;-) <3 ;-) I will make sure there is an area reserved for the Royal Peacock Garden. A celestially landscaped retreat promising wellness through uninhibited recreation and leisure.

TYKAI Galleria

"Why not let your STYLE SPEAK before your lifestyle".
"A mouthy fag...Ewww"!
A person with style can enter a room and not be missed {before the first word is muttered}. When your words speak before your image, you are often categorized by the receiver with a negative stigma. I like to think this galleria has a sense of world fusion. A seductive blend of enibriating citrus paisley, balanced with organic milk chocolate morsel. Remember: ELEGANCE is QUIET yet STRIKING. Shhhhh;-)

TYKAI Defecate Creativity

Jimi Hendrix said " Do not ignore the Sun, for the Sun is the truth shining to be seen". 

The Yellow represents this thread of energy or life. As an artist, one needs to purge ideas as an evaluation mechanism. The question elevate or disintegrate. I was walking to car from picking up Japanese take-out and saw these balls shining out of the brush. Sometimes you have to listen to the Universe for inspiration when it's apparent.
This photo is also a safe sex ad. LOVE YOURSELF. If you don't use protection, there may be that 1 that can change your life...and if not that 1, then the next 1.
Embrace Yourself. Share Love.

TYKAI Live Flower, Live!

Live Flower, Live!
I pass this sculpture everytime I embark on my voyage to Bangkok Cafe. I named it "Don't Give Up". Outwardly it's dying, yet mentally there is this willpower to live. It's amazing that something so quiet can be so striking. That is the definition of ELEGANCE.
Embrace Yourself. Share Love.
Fashionable Kisses,
Lord Tykai

TYKAI South Elm-Eugene

I was driving and saw three ladies on a hill, picking suckles and branches. Dressed in turbans and dhirndls, it looked like a tear-out of a Corsican sunset. Orange+Grey+Black+Yellow= Hot Asphalt. Later, I saw a man walking a decorated horse down the highway.
#Inspiration EVERYWHERE

TYKAI Peacock Strong

"You look like a Cuban Palero"
I found inspiration in this gorgeous backsplash. It's reminiscent of Mexican abulone and terra cotta huts.

TYKAI Armed Forces

"what about arms joining together to spread love & style"
There's more than one way to do military. This is my version as Lord Tykai-ruler of the peacocks [note the romantic hued tree that is positioned as a spray of vivid feathers]. In the 90+ degree weather, skirts bring a Southernly current.


"Looking like a Djarum Black"
"I've been watching you watching me"
This inflated creature was watching me as I washed dishes after my morning run. A master of disguise, she puffed up when in the spotlight and when Dana Owens hit the last note, she deflated and gracefully took off stage.

TYKAI: Gallucci Sculpture

"Semi-Masculine with a flair"
Autumnal, yet light for Summer. Mr. Jim Gallucci is responisble for the delightful, colorful coulmns that embellish Fayetteville Street in downtown Raleigh. What appears as a singular column is also part of a gateway system.

Portal to TYKAI

TYKAI Bienvenue

Welcome to TYKAI where it can be Dark & Sunny...Indie & Glam.
Fashionabale Kisses,

TYKAI Light & Shadow

TYKAI Love Neutron

Finding inspiration by loving myself and sharing a boutiful supply of Love <3

TYKAI Hattitude

Ran into these UBER Fabulous Ladies of the Red Hat Society at Greensboro Beautiful's Parisian Promenade, held at the Tanger Bicentennial Park. Clementine worthy? I think so ;-)

TYKAI Journey Note