Saturday, October 27, 2012

LORD TYKAI Martian Nuptials Fashion Exhibit at the North Carolina Museum of Art [Parallel to Rodin]

song:When You've Been Blessed-Patti LaBelle

You have no idea how major this is! I showed a TYKAI dress, with fabric designed by me, featuring TYKAIroGLYPHS at the North Carolina Museum of Art-along with a "Clementine" and bouquet. LATE. FAB.GLISTENING.GREGARIOUS.THATdamnMURPHYandHISlaw. I literally have a cut out of the NCMofA in my TYKAI sketchbook (in the front with other clippings:Gloria Guinness, Gianni Agnelli, & Monaco in GQ...etc). Excerpted from Todays's Triangle Woman Magazine[Sept/Oct 2010], it only has artist renderings of the $72mil. expansion featuring an exclusive collection of penis-showcasing Rodin sculptures. This was once a wish that became a reality Thank You! SuperSocial-Chic-Entertaining-Vivid-GreatAura-FunHat-SuperSequins-LoveBuddy.

Hosted by the Fashion Summit of NC-coordinated by Cierra Harris and April Bush, the event was upbeat, free flowing, and emotionally art-tastic. Networking with other creatives is always fun-sharing tips, ideals, and experiences Guests were wonderfully sophisticated and diverse. They Spanned multiple demographics:young/ old; frugal/squanderous; black, white, brown, red, Imagine walking through the doors, being greeted by the most hospitable guardsmen- straight ahead there are paintings, above you-lit "thinking men" perpendicular to the wall, to the left- many alabaster penises, to the right-a thriving fashion crowd, to your side-Iris, the museums posh restaurant which serves contemporary American cuisine.

She was tickled green, gushing to her friends that she performed her nuptials on Mars. "A destination wedding in Bora Bora, seemed redundant."
It is no secret living on Mars [in an environmentally controlled shangri-la atmosphere, or not] will be experienced in our lifetime. With new civilizations- rituals and folklore are transported, then customized:
*for unique cultural identification
*to govern the progression of a new society
*to honor ancestors and knowledge past
*for a synergetic relationship between nature and humans
Quixotic. Sophisticated. Fun. The TYKAI bride chose vivid color on sustainable fabric and ancient TYKAIroGLYPHS to celebrate the spirit of the momentous occasion. On a 15 foot diameter mystic topaz sand circle, illuminated by the Sun, the TYKAIAN commenced her vows. Her peacock plumed headpiece and bouquet were special gifts from LORD TYKAI.

TYKAIroGLYPHS printed by Spoonflower. Each TYKAIroGLYPH is an abstract representation of me, in the design process journey-when creativity was high.
Cotton poplin, toile (hand dip-dyed by me), and tulle. Since I put so much of myself into the fabric design, I really wanted the dress to be "high touch". The fabric was dyed beneath the cosmos late at night. The dress is NC designed, printed, produced, and introduced. It is also virtually sustainable minus the pigments.

God sent me butterflies to "bless" my path in creativity. One black, blue, and orange one anointed the bouquet while I made it. Never have I had a butterfly literally twirl for photos. Two touched her tits The veiling represented a free-spirited explosion of her chakras. #CALIBRATED The true beauty of it is...the process OF design became the inspiration FOR my design. NATURE.NURTURE.CREATION.
Abstract elements include the sand crab found on Cherry Grove Beach {TKI Scarabaeus Acubens},the TYKAI mandala in the center of the heart, blue waves=water, green=land/fertility, red=fire/passion/love, orange=warm/playful, yellow=energy. The depth of black and the hint of white is present because we all have some light and dark to our character.
Who said Adam was lonely? He seemed happy frolicking in the garden nude without Eve. Okay, procreation needed to exist and it was deemed he needed a companion;Thus came Eve. The shame of their frolic didn't come until Eve partook of the fruit. Let's just say, I would enjoy being Adam prior to Eve Waterfalls & Animals.

*Showing parallel to Rodin [memories of grande white sculptures in the gardens of the Musee Rodin in Paris]
*The metaphoric simile of it being a brisk, autumn evening; A supercell hurricane brewing in the South-like when Jimi Hendrix played Woodstock [during my birth month, "Hey Joe", 1969]; Right when I exited the building via great industrial doors and long "runway" corridor, it began to rain. A Car Named Desire BATHING.REDEMPTION.REBIRTH.
*The 2story dancing willow that blew, bloomed, and wilted rythmatically behind the band all night.
*I'm always modest. May I be vain for once? They understood it...were delighted by it...and appreciated it The managers, the bartenders, the fashion prowlers, the financiers, the couples, the bachelors, and guards. Tapas diners came to me saying, " I just watched you from across the room and you radiated so many positive vibrations. I had to come meet you." I shared hugs, wine chat, and laughs with circles of women. I shared shakes, compliments, and pats with distinguished men. Dwellers anxiously awaited to take photos with me. With crystal zebra, Buddy, on my shoulder, wearing a vintage silk sequin jacket with glass bead fringe (purchased at Design Archives in downtown Greensboro-it's last hurrah was during NC A&T State University homecoming), my deceased maternal grandmother Anne's (who I never met) upper tier divine order legacy brooch on my heart (gifted by my Semper Fi Sgt. Maj. grandfather), and 4" black suede wedge's- I embraced myself and shared love
*The wicked humor of it is...I found a way to be creatively nude in a museum When Lisa Brogden-Childrey hired me at Rockport, she said " I like you because through the bubbly exterior, I know you have a dark sense of humor." The Southern, suburban me typically wouldn't admit it [clenching my 20 pearl strand], but, I do- WINK!
Lord Tykai standing with Martian Nuptial design at the North Carolina Museum of Art
The Scene and Inspired TKIroGLYPHS

Sketch Submission for Art of Fashion Exhibit